Friday 19 December 2014

Cyber Bullying Cards


I did my final designs for Cyber-Bullying cards, using the idea and drawing images of a nice background of mountains and hill on a computer screen with a shadowed figure looking at it. Then I scanned it ready to be edited in Photoshop and Illustrator.

I also put in the grim and true twist of cyber bullying, the 'Chat' box symbolizing it. I added on the chat box in Photoshop over the scanned drawing of what was what going to be on the computer screen.

After I edited the background drawing onto the computer screen drawing I added in the shadowed figure, using blurring effects on it so it looked more anonymous, as well as adding the 'noise' affect onto the computer screen. I moved the figure slightly over the screen enough so it looked like it was looking at the screen, but the viewers could also see some of what was on it. (e.g. the text, nice background).

Once I had put the scanned images together I changed their contrasts and colour 'curves' separately until I flattened them into one image and changed the contrast and colour levels again and using the 'burn' tool to add some shadows, soon finishing the image off.

Having finished the main image I began to write out what would be on the other side of the card. Facts, information, percentages, logos of websites etc. linking to cyber bullying. My aim for the information I put down was to teach the reader new facts on the subject, even if they do or don't relate to cyber bullying.

Overall I think I had good ideas by the end of my work, able to settle on a good design and how it would look to the viewer.
What I would've better would've been the design on the text side of the card. I would've put more work into having a better font, effects and background colour, and I would've been able to achieve this if I had paid attention to the deadline better.

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