Wednesday 16 September 2015

Final Personal Project - Art

Final Project

I researched a range of surreal artists and their artwork to try and think of how I would make my own piece of work surreal, taking ideas and inspiration from some surrealists ideas.
After looking through different types of surrealism, some shown on this post about Surrealism, I felt that I could relate my work to work of Rene Magritte.

My idea for my final project was going to be linked to Rene Magritte's eye painting "The False Mirror". I planned to have it closely linking it to my research with the eye shape, though there wasn't going to be an iris, instead the eye would look like it had a metal paneling with a broken pupil on top of it.
I was planning to complete my final piece in one try, staying close to my planned out idea of how I would make it, but as I was finishing my first attempt of it I felt like it was lacking something. I discussed how I felt my project was lacking something and thought about redoing my art project completely with my tutor, I was encouraged to do more than just sketch and paint but also try to use my work without starting over from scratch.
I used what I believe to be a light brown sugar paper as the skin around eye, cutting out the shape of where the eyeball would go in the middle, I would've experimented with colours to make a skin colour from scratch but at this point I wouldn't have much time to get the right one I wanted since I wasn't very confident in making it myself.

I used the grey metal colour I had already done and painted what was to look like metal paneling and some light shadows of them, after finishing that I cut it out and put it under the brown sugar paper, gluing them together so they would stay in place. Then I used a piece of my old work of an eye that had the red veins around the corners of it, cutting out the shape of the broken pupil so I could lay it atop of my newest piece of work and get the exact same shape of the broken pupil I planned to use and keep.
After that I added on some water colour of eyelashes onto the brown sugar paper so it didn't look too plain. Overall I think it came out better then I planned it to be, using cut out pieces of work to build it helped it to pop out more then it would've on a single sheet of paper.

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