Friday 11 December 2015

Bauhaus Research

I found the colour pallet interesting and
very good with how they've all fitted and
coordinated together, along with the
clever design involved in the text, some large
text in the background and smaller more
detailed text in front with most of where
the design is happening.
I found this bauhaus design very effective even though it's design is simple and not too crowded with only 3 main prmary colours being used in it, along with the clever design of the title 'bauhaus' being mixed in with the deisgn, also making the text part of the design.

I researched old and modern bauhaus designs to use as inspiration and reference for developing ideas of making my own bauhaus design for a cover. 
There are different elements to the bauhaus designs and style, some are quite plain and simple, using few colours, lines, text shapes etc. when others can be quite busy, bright, dark, eye catching, using patterns simple or complicated and advanced looking. Though all designs by or inspired by bauhaus are quite eye-catching and use many different colour pallets, both the old and new.

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