Monday 18 April 2016

My Comic to NNC

I made some quick sketches of key points that would be
shown in my journey in the comic. This includes the start of
the journey, obstacles I faced, what I went through, my
character development in its style etc.
I began developing my character alot more on a separate sheet
of graphic paper. I developed it a lot in the mouth and eye
designs and expressions, then onto hats. I used my first idea
of the eyes even though I had developed some other options
to use, but I stayed with the 'blank' eyes option.
 My comic is based on my journey from school to college, including how I felt, thought and had to overcome during this journey.
Making this comic I had to plan and go through a lot of development of my story and my character. For my story I would have to decide what I would include and not include, with my character it would be the appearance of the character, that was of myself, and what kind of style I drew it in.

I had to make a character, of myself, in my own kind of style that's aswell influenced and inspired by other artists.

When I was developing my character to a near final design, I first began with getting the basics down of mouth expressions, sketching down the different kinds I could think of, then I designed options for eyes, but I still decided to use 'blank' eyes for my character to go in the comic. I developed my character more with some clothes, though I didn't develop this side as much since my characters full figure wouldn't be shown much in the comic, so I then went to list and design the hats I would've worn.

Using graphic marker pens, I experimented with what colours
I would mainly use for my character, mainly for her hair and
hat she would be wearing, drawing multiple styles of them,
 along with a shadow shading to have.

After getting the main character development down, I began to add colour with graphic marker pens. Though it did take a while and a few tries to get the kind of colours and shades I was looking for and then trying to get, also experimenting with them by mixing some shades together. I wanted my character to have dark blonde hair, but with the options of graphic markers I found mainly browns and oranges, but I worked with these and got the colours to a shade that was the most close to what I wanted.

I then had to write out my entire journey I wanted to tell and draw for my comic for others to read, so they can see my personal experience getting to college from school since each person would have a different experience and their own journey getting to college from school or job etc.
This is the backstory and 'script' for my comic about
my journey from school to college, it starts with
my situation at school with my grades, finding
the college, getting my work, seeing the college etc.
I did some quick experiments with layouts for my comic, how
the cells would sit next to each other. I tried the traditional style
of them being next to each other with no space between, or a
border around them. I then tried to try out a messy and unique
looking layout, but this seemed a bit unorganized and might
confuse the viewer looking at the comic to which cell
they're supposed to look at next. Though I decided the layout
design would eventually come to me later or when I'm actually
making the comic.
I cut out multiple buildings, people, poses and expression
mainly from National Geographic magazines that were
 supplied by the college. There were a lot of useful
references in the magazines that I found helpful for my comic
with body structure, poses, expressions and buildings.
I then had to think and get an idea of how I was going to show off my comic, how it's going to be set up, it's structure, how it's gonna look, have a theme to it, be a classic or unique different style. I thought how I could display my comic without it looking too messy, boring or over-used in style, I wanted it to have a different kind of twist to it. I also had to research and use references for my character development, to use images of people in certain poses standing, running, walking and sitting etc. I cut out references from magazines and put it on a greyboard to use when developing my character and starting on my comic.

I thought about keeping most of my characters
attire to be the school uniform I wore, but I
found this to be too boring and bland, especially
if I reused it multiple times in the comic.

I put my character through a lot of development, mainly with the style of how I draw my character, because each time I draw my character it's always changes in how it looks, it being either with the eyes, nose, hair or face shape. Because of this I tried and practiced multiple times to try and get the same looking character in style. 
I also then had multiple attempts with my hat accessories, trying to draw them right and what kind of textile look they should have.
I tried experimenting a little with layouts of cells
a little more, this time I thought more about the
layout and how I want it to be different. I also
wrote out parts of my story under the cells and drew
them out, quickly telling a vague version of my
These are multiple attempts of trying to keep a constant style
in my character, and it's obvious of the different styles of them, this mainly due to the eye and face shape. I also had multiple attempts of my hat accessories. 

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