Sunday 25 January 2015


What did I do?

At the start of my work I had to think and generate ideas for a character along with a story I'd be able to tell about it. The first steps included simply drawing the character of how I wished for it to look like but also think if I'll be able to make it the way I want. In making a physical character I had to bend a think metal wire frame, hooking them together or being held together with masking tape which will support the figure to stand and move without going back to it's original form when colored plasticine is put over it. Once confirming I was to use this character I began to think how I could make a background set and objects by molding them out of paper, clay, cardboard, tissue paper or mod-rock that will link to it's story, maybe just hinting at the characters story or explaining it. Other objects that were include were made mainly out of mod-rock, a crooked looking chair, spiny looking tree with vines but no leaves and a small fireplace. I planned to make the background set into a dim attic like room, having the walls and floor as a stone or wooden paneling design. I decided to make the set to have a wooden cabin look, weaving cut piece of brown paper to look like a floor pattern, once finished I glued it to the floor base of the cardboard set.

Which techniques?

My techniques were first with metal/wire was to use the thin type, that way I could twist and hook it together to make a table enough wire frame structure.
When making clay models and then mod-rock models of my character, after making wire structures and then molding materials over it. My technique to mainly just cover up the wire frame first and then mold the materials over it into shape.
With the making of the box set, I took measurements with how big I wanted the box and have the parts of the box (base, sides, back) to fit together easily and stay stable together. My first attempt of this was scrapped due to some of the measurements being incorrect and slanted, though the second final attempt was also slightly slanted, it worked and fitted together better then the first attempt, though it did take away time.
I used paper and cardboard to make props to be alongside the character in the box, making and taking working measurements so other models could fit together.

Health & Safety

Plastic-protective goggles stopped any floating particles, dust, materials landing in or around our eyes that could cause long or short-term problems such as; irritation, allergic reactions and even blindness.
Kevlar cut resistant gloves protected our hands from receiving cuts and injuries that could also cause shot or long-term problems. 
The cutting boards protects surfaces where cutting with knives are being done, such as the tables within the work space. 
Metal rulers helped let us take measurements without damaging the ruler when using knives, its taller height compared to normal rulers helps prevent the risk of injury when using sharp objects with the ruler, whereas if we had used normal rulers it would've damaged them and increased the risk of causing injury to ourselves and inaccurate measurements from the ruler moving.
Having cased knives prevented the amount of cuts and injuries that would've happened, as well as giving the user of a cased knife having a stable and safe grip on it.
Hot glue was to be used maturely and with caution within a working space with enough room as it could have caused burns to other students or damaged materials and work.

Visual Language used

The main theme idea had to include dim colours such as grey, black, brown, white etc. As it was based in a theme of pollution, machines, factory's, having the look that was in the 1800's. Leaning objects and shadows would be included in the theme, representing confusion, depression, arrogance etc which relates to the story of the character involved.

How well did I work?

I think when I was trying to think up ideas for the theme of the box and character, I spent too much time on it since I was unsure on my ideas. Though when I finally got ideas down and written out I felt more confident in my work and as I built up towards it, but due to setbacks with taking up too much time on ideas and restarting the box, I was unable to completely finish.

What can I improve?

I would plan out my time for throughout my work, make up a schedule that would benefit me and my work. Also I would make more accurate measurements when making the box and the props that would go with it.

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