Sunday 8 February 2015

Paperwork for 3D Art

Idea for 3D Art Character

A quick idea for my characters story I did while also designing what the character would look like.
I made it into some kind of form of a poem as it would tell the reader only a small bit about the actual character as I wanted the readers to decide what the character felt and acted.
"He was inside his room most of the time,
People to HIM were just strange and scary.
They were so unpredictable, making some of the dangerous.
HIS family members were strangers to him,
Never feeling comfortable when talking to THEM.
The only comfort HE had was being alone,
Where only HIS thoughts and HIMSELF were present.
HIS world was scary,
The air was to heavy for HIM.
He thought how could anyone else breathe?
How could THEY act and talk normal when HE had trouble breathing around anyone.
Will this last forever for HIM?"


This is some pages of the research I did for the idea behind the set and character, having windows and picture frames. The picture frames having random names, faces and figures in them to represent a family or individual person in the characters story, the windows would be looking "outside the set" where chimneys, smoke, crowded buildings and pollution would be referenced to.

I did some basic and detailed work of how I would have the back side of the set look, taking evidence that I've used research to support and create my idea. I drew a window and multiple picture frames to match the story of the character I constructed. I was considering of using the printed out picture frames and windows to glue onto the set, giving some parts of it a real look and colour or discolouration. 

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