Friday 27 February 2015

T-Shirt Designs - Unit 3

The colours included highlight the helmet and hair of the woman inside it, having smooth, thick, clean, colour gradient lines for the helmet, the hair having much thinner defined lines with a warm yellow. The other lines that make up the woman's expression and the inside of the helmet uses a the background colour instead of the basic black outlines, both thick and thin. The shattered glass of the helmet had no lines to define them apart from the space in-between the shards, having a unique look with the different kinds of lines and colours that has been used throughout the design. I enjoy how the bright colours of yellow, orange and red stands out on the dark blue/purple background, along with the stars showing through all of the other layers, giving the effect of the helmet and woman's skin seeming see-through. I chose this design because it has an interesting look to it, using light and bright gradient colours against a dark background as well as using a space/astronaut theme to it, this would appeal to people who enjoy the use of bright colours against dark and the idea of space and astronomy.
The kind of ideas it gave me for creating my own design were the use of colour and how they could be used, not having to use a black line to define shapes but instead using the background.

The use of seemingly having only the colours black, white and grey making up the design gives it a silhouette/shadow and lighting effect. Most of the buildings on the left side are mostly made up of white, greys and blacks making up the windows and lines of them, while most of the buildings on the right are made up mostly of black, using white for windows, lines and the top of the buildings. The point of view that has been created with the city-scape has it look like it was a photograph that had been taken from a higher building or form of aircraft. These colours merge with the blank black background, not creating any sudden stops of lines to the artwork, yet instead used a white petal like effect around the bottom of the buildings. One of the buildings in the center that is made up of mainly black had two thin white lines that lead down, following and joining past the petals, out of the main drawing and to the silhouette of a child, making the view of a swing with the silhouette sitting on it and looking up at the city. This would be appealing to those who like

The design is of a males head with text covering the eyes and looks like it has came from an old poster assert that were used in the times like 1930's where they used coloured drawings of people in adverts instead of actual photographs that would've mainly been black and white anyway. Main colours included in the design is mainly black and white with some discolouring, the outline of the head having thick and thin lines to create the hair, shadowing and creases in the face, though a dotting technique has been used all over the face so it looks like a darker/different colour when actually it's still using black and white. Red is used to create the simple look of the males nose bleeding, purple around the right eye while the actual eyes are covered by the text and the faded pinks and purples around the purple and on the left cheek, all of this giving the idea that the character of the design has been beaten up. The text covering the eyes would appeal to people due to it being a band name as well as the design being their main logo.

The overall design of this is very different and unique from other designs. The design takes over half the top part of the shirt

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