Thursday 12 February 2015

This Is Modern Art
Salvador Dali


Dali was born on the 11th of May 1904 in Figueres, Spain, died on the 23rd of January 1989 at the age of 84 in the same area he was born; Figueres, Spain.
He was considered to be a skilled draftsman as well as being known for his bizarre images of his surrealist work in paintings, sculptures, photography and films.

  • Took and changed everyday objects shape and textures into surrealism art, even feces.
  • He was only commercial with his work During the 20th century
  • Dali brought Al Capone's car and used as part of sculpture that he put in the courtyard of his museum since he was so rich for his ideas, work in his paintings, sculptures and films. 
  • He really enjoyed the amount of money and gold he earned
  • Was rejected by people since they thought his work was too strange and 'rubbish'
  • He recognized and got ideas for his art work from through both his conscious and unconscious mind, taking images and objects he may have seen in dreams and making them reality as a sculpture, painting or a movie.

 One of his famous art pieces 'The Persistence of Memory' which was completed in August 1931.

Luis Brunuel - Un Chein Andalou

  • Black and white silent film.
  • The beginning started off with the sharpening of what seemed to be a small barbers knife.
  •  Using props e.g. , books changing into guns through a jump-cut, cows head when cutting eye open, bodies of dead cows, chopped off hand
  • Environments; street, apartment room, the beach, in a spacious forest/park
  • Included sexual acts; fondling of the breasts, imagining of the female actors body etc.
  • All the things happening in the film kept my attention since they were so strange and I tried to make sense of it as it went on.
  • The film and it's plot seemed like it was going somewhere but then it changed and went somewhere completely different.
The meaning Un Chein Andalou - Andalusion Dog

 The title of Un Chien Andalou and it's meaning is discussed but rarely described of it's actual meaning, though the title was used for a film title, being a silent surreal film that was 21 minutes long made in 1929 by Spanish director Luis Bunuel, it being his first film, and the surrealist artist Salvador Dali that was released 1929, though when it was first released it had limited showings in Paris, but it soon became popular and was shown for eight months in studios in Paris.
The film is widely considered to not have much of a plot, in the sense of the word, the film itself seems disjointed and scattered with the characters, events, dates and times changing a lot throughout the film.

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