Monday 5 December 2016

Art History Research

Throughout history there have been multiple artists that caused controversy, gave inspiration, went against the norm, becoming famous or infamous within art communities.

Marcel Duchamp

3 Standard Stoppages
Duchamp's work included moving pieces, one of them being a piece called "3 Standard Stoppages" where he dropped three long threads from a height onto three canvas strips and been making random curves they had made upon landing on the canvas. This deliberately useless toolkit links to the way of measurement and making fun of scientific method.
His description of the piece is like a mathematical theory: "If a straight thread one meter long falls from a height of one meter onto a horizontal plane twisting as it pleases, it creates a new image of the unit of length."

Fountain on a pedestal

Rrose Selavy
Why not sneeze Rrose Selavy?
The piece represents Rrose, the supposed sugar cubes, and with the themomerter is shows that marble is cold, like Rrose was. And sneezing is an eighth of an orgasam, seeming to tell the audience that Rrose would not have sexual pleasure much because she was uptight and cold.

Sixteen miles of string

Edward Muybridge

Else von Freytag-Loringhoven, the bareness

Caibre Voltaire

Hugo Ball

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