Monday 5 December 2016

Manchester Visit

I had gone on a trip to Manchester to go to a UCAS event as well as look at some museums in the Manchester city.
The trip to Manchester was interesting since we drove on the A268 that went through midlands mountains and then through a village called Tintwhistle, I got some nice pictures during the drive and it's made me think about photography and getting some good pictures in pretty places like around there.

Once in Manchester we first headed to The Gallery of Manchester, it included alot of paintings I really liked, was interested in and taken back by the details. The museum included many paintings with an old style of painting, like and including the pre-raphalite work, good human and animal proportions, realistic looking eyes and faces, good shape, smooth blending colours or bright standing out colours, the sea and clouds, people looking like they had been photographed instead of being a painting, being able to see a piece of artworks detail even though it had a messy or blurry style to it, having pretty, classic looking frames around some of the pieces, some having visual narrative, composition, mise-en-scene etc. Some pieces being made from oil, other acrylic, wedgwood etc.

I found the way the clouds were made interesting since I
could see the brush strokes

This was my favourite museum during the trip, it had paintings and a range of art that I liked and found interesting because of their theme, where they're set, landscapes, people, colours, detail, style, the way trees, clouds, sea, lakes are drawn/painted etc.
The art piecesI found interesting I took a closer look at, scanning the pieces and taking pictures to use as research and reference to help me draw them better later on.

I also found the way the sea had been made interesting,
being able to see some individual colours and the brush strokes

Some of the paintings I came across were quite beautiful and eyecatching, even looking like they were just enlarged HD photographs

While in the first museum, I had to find two art pieces that I'm interested in and would research and look into, I took quite a few pictures of the art pieces I would choose between, some of them being pre-raphalite paintings. When I start looking and researching a piece, I would try to recognise if theres composition invlolved, unity, balance, rythum, movement, focus, contrast, pattern and proportion.

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