Monday 5 December 2016

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

A group of English painters poets, male and female, creating paintings all under one signature of PRB, initials of their brotherhood the 'Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood'. It was founded by 3 people in 1848 by:

  • William Holman Hunt - Born on the 2nd of April 1827 and died on the 7th of September 1910 at the age of 83. His paintings were known for their great attention to detail, vivid colours and symbolism, the features being inspired by the writings of Thomas Carlyle and John Ruskin, someone he later painted of and for, though during the session of the painting there was silence between them due to an argument earlier on about Millias having romantic affair with Ruskin's wife Effie Gray.

  • John Everett Millais -

  • Dante Gabriel Rossetti -

Then later they were joined by 4 more men and 2 more women:

  • William Michael Rossetti -

  • James Collinson -

  • Frederic George Stephens -

  • Thomas Woolner -

  • Marie Spartali Stillman -

  • Ford Madox Brown -

They believed the poses and elegent composition had became a corrupting influence on the academic teaching of art, hence the name Pre-Raphaelite
They signed their pices of works, paintings not with their initials,but with the movements, PRB

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