Monday 27 November 2017


A review of progress and achievement throughout the course.
I will go through my previous work in my sketchbook and blog that I have done throughout the course, linking to my current project, and do an overall reviews of my progress through my previous work.

Throughout my sketchbook and the course I’ve made drawings, sketches, paintings, digital art, animations etc. of random ideas, some finished or just the start of one or a messy sketch that’s in my draw, taken home, in one of my sketchbooks etc. Some of these achievements that I’m happy and not so happy with have contributed to my current project and ideas, either by remembering or looking back at them. I’ve used my achievements in improving my skills in painting and generating ideas, I’m a lot more confident in making work, taking risks and ideas without being so hesitant, slow and scared, generating and changing my main ideas rather then having hardly any.

Explain the concept of my project, say what the concept is and how I've made my project to fit the concept and my area of interest. I will also have to include what inspired me to make my project, what artists I used and went to for ideas and/or research, previous ideas that didn't work or failed, how I developed my ideas, the resources and equipment I would use etc.

The concept of my project is strongly linked to metamorphosis, I’ll have scenes, objects and environments within an hourglass, which itself is a link to metamorphosis with the change of sand in an hourglass from the top half to the bottom half, along with the metamorphosis of changing time.
I would make the project as digital art, but I want to take a risk and go outside of my comfort zone and paint instead, with acrylic, water colour and maybe some pen, though it’s not originally what I wanted to do, it’s still in my area of interest. The artists I’m wanting to focus and take inspiration from would be Steven Sugar, a background artist that has quite an abstract look with good mixes of colours to his work, also Sam Didiler who has detailed, shaded and bold work that really stands out to me, though I won’t be able to replicate neither Steven Sugar’s or Sam Didler’s style nor have as a strong effect with art like they do.
I listed and sketched out ideas to have within the hourglass theme, developing them into certain scenes which I would then try to pair up and combine to have together within an hourglass, to have some kind of obvious link between the two, for example of two ideas I’ve put together; city pollution causing a polar bear to become abandoned on a small remaining piece of ice.

For my concept I had to get quite a few of object research from online for things I couldn’t have in front of me such as a stormy sea, a polar bear, a fresh bleeding cut etc.

Do an overall review of my work, evaluate throughout the process of making my project and development I did and how it effected my project, then a conclusion of my finished project.

Explain about the necessary progress of the project over the weeks up to the dead line, and show what actions were taken in those weeks so it would be finished successfully in time for the dead line.

Record the research resources I used, from when I got the project proposal and throughout the progess of making the project.

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