Thursday 26 March 2015

10 Job Roles Conclusion

I had options to look at newspaper and TV adverts of companies and workplaces, also via online through different kinds of websites that list jobs linked to or specialise in media, art and design throughout the research of 10 different job roles. Though I also had people recommend job roles that they know about or any other websites. I mainly looked for the job roles on two websites;

  • National Careers Service
  • Prospects

National Careers Service had a large list of different kinds of jobs, though not all of them were clear why they were linked to Art, Media and Design.

The made a list of 10 jobs that interested me the most and be a job role that I would enjoy to have:

  • Animation
  • Graphic Design
  • Art Editor
  • Photographer
  • Illustrator
  • Tattooist
  • Make-up Artist
  • Production Designer
  • Design Engineer
  • Costume Designer

I learnt that almost all of these job roles require expierience and qualifications, though the qualifications don't have to be A* if you have a strong portfolio, reliable skills and work experience linked to the job role.
The most wanted and preferred skills for most job roles include being a quick and concentrated worker so deadlines are to be reached within the preferred time, understand different software's and computers/devices that are supplied, having an imagination to think up new ideas, artistic skills etc.

The information I gathered by researching the job roles helped me understand and prepare for future employment in a workspace independently or in teams. Building up a portfolio of my work and qualifications with a plan of how I would present it if I was asked to. Self-employment is also an option since it's recently became very popular and easier to understand and do, people doing commissions of their art, designs etc. for people online for a fee, the amount depending what their client/commissioner asks for.

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