Wednesday 18 March 2015

Laurel and Hardy

Laurel and Hardy was a slapstick comedy double act during the silent film era, made up of Oliver Oliver Hardy, a heavyset American and Stan Laurel, a thin Englishman. They were most popular during the late 1920's through to the mid 1940's.

Stan Laurel was born in Lancashire on the 16th of June, 1890 and died on the 23rd of February, 1965 in California due to a heart attack.

Stan was an English comic actor, director and writer along with his famous duo with Oliver Hardy. He was a member of "Fred Karno's Army" which was referred to as a chaotic group or organisation, and where he was Charlie Chaplin's understudy. His career in silent films and sounds films went throughout 1917 and 1951, appearing in over 50 films, mostly taking strong roles even though most producers found it difficult to give him one, seeing him as either a Charlie Chaplin imitator or 'nutter burglar'.
Before teaming up with Oliver Hardy he teamed up with Mae Dahlberg, an Australian music hall, actress and vaudeville performer, they lived together under common law and husband and law, though 'dressing room arguments' between the two were common and Mae was even paid by the producer Joe Rock to return to her native home in Australia.

Oliver Hardy was born in Harlem, Georgia on the 18th of January, 1892 and died on the 7th of August, 1957.

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