Monday 2 March 2015

Automatic Writing Story

Having clouds as chairs and chickens as plates
The kitchen would be hell and the bedroom would be a forest
Old cracked bones being the new trend
Walking past mothers as trees
Flickering lights of an old computer through a shredded red leaf
The keyboard being the knife and fork with a mouse as a dessert spoon
Landscapes and mountains looking like reflecting shards of glass, making new colours
Frozen bones being cracked sticks
Running off a field called October
Windows looking like doorways
Veins bringing life to a river that kick starts sounds
Three linked rings on a wooden door
Jumping to vibrations in an atmosphere
Over and under a brick bridge
Through the next exit that's being shown.

Throughout over the most of the writing I had been listening to Bones by Dustin Tebbutt that was on repeat. It defiantly helped me get into an automatic writing state with Halfway through the automatic story I referenced "frozen bones" which was included in the song as a main chorus, also "mountains looking like reflecting shards of glass" referencing to the over that was showing on my phone as it played.

Listening to music while doing automatic writing and drawing can defiantly effect the work that's being created; Relaxing music could effect the writing to have deep meanings or including pretty and comforting words, drawings having thing smooth lines with bright and light colours. Loud and heavy music effecting the writing to be dark, more scrambled and dark, drawings having thick, rushed, rough lines with dark, dull and rough looking colours.

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