Tuesday 28 June 2016

Banner Research

To help inspire and give me ideas for designs for my own banner for NNC, I looked up promotional banners and posters, observing what's involved and what's happening in them, how they get their message or product across with their design.
I came across quite a lot of different styles, designs and the themes that they had to fit with. There were designs which were a picture covering most of the banner area with minimal text or none at all, ones with logos with a pattern or text with it, just text etc. I found the banners that seemed to move into the next banner that would go next to it interesting, or having a matching theme to show viewers that they're linked together.
These banners look linked with
the use of the same text font and the
use of the stars next to the text.
I like how this group of banners link and merge
together since they have a shared image spread
across them, having a cool but alluring affect to viewers.
The two green banners are linked
because they both use a woodland
background, the same text font and
the logo and its colours.

I found this to be quite an interesting
design, using a logo for one whole
banner and the other to show what
their theme, company or product
is or linked to.
These banners show the design linked across different kinds
of banners, showing how they've adapted the design to fit
whatever form or display it's on while still keeping its main
design and logo included in all of then.

These banners use almost
identical designs, one having
no text or information while the
other does, though this keeps the
the two banners linked because pf
their almost identical designs on them..
I like how the design spreads across the
three banners, linking them together so
people would know by looking at them that
they're about and linked about the same thing
they might be displaying.

I then had to research promotional material, how companies, businesses and people put designs, text and logos onto materials such as tops, hats, pens, mugs, bags etc. to promote their business, building or product. Researching how they display a product onto these certain materials, do they add or remove anything from their original designs, do they keep the text, logo, do they change them to help fit the way it would be advertised on 'promotional material and items' etc.
This shows the pretty simple and basic kind of product
design that's quite common for companies and etc. to
use to promote something.

More basic product design that's commongly used, though these
products are the ones actually brought and used more since people
would use a pen or mug more than wearing a product promoting
piece of clothing.

Product design that is also commonly used for promotion,
 but also commonly used by the buyers/customers/viewers. 

Promotional material that I haven't seen as often or
commonly is putting a logo on an umbrella, which I do find
interesting and something people would still use.

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