Wednesday 22 June 2016

Postbox Design

I had to make a design for a postbox which links to Worksop. The idea of using the coal link to the town was overused, so I decided to avoid putting something like that in the design and put different ideas, objects and 'landmarks' Worksop would have.

From my 'research', I was going with a colourful, psychedelic design, strange shapes, patterns, flowing lines, colours, cool looking effects etc.
The first main design I came up with took some
time to make, but I'm happy how it came out.

It took quite a bit of time to think up and make a design, I couldn't plan what I was going to make in pre-production, but when I had to make a design on illustrator, I was able to make a design I was confident and happy with to develop further. So using my research, I developed the idea of having a design that would include a train, linking to Worksop's train station, the pyramid sculpture that's in the town and created by NNC students and the name 'Worksop' as a first idea which I would develop more later on.

I then started to experiment with colours, I needed something that would stand out to those viewing it and the public if it was put onto a postbox in Worksop, so I wanted the colours to be bright, catchy and still suit the design.
I first tried some colours of orange, yellow, purple and light green, but looking at it I wasn't convinced this would be a good design, I just had to figure out what colours would suit it while also keeping the range of 4 colours maximum at first. I thought what colours I would want to use in a pattern kind of way, so they are repeated throughout the design.

My first attempt with the colours didn't turn out
to good and even looked unfinished with the choice of
colours I had put into it.
I tried out having the background a purple and the
lines a white to make it look a bit like some kind of
This design looks a lot better than my previous attempts
before because of its much better choice of colours
put into it.


I tried a technique of only using 1 or 2 colours throughout the design so it wouldn't be as complicated. Though this didn't really follow my idea of wanting it to be colourful and catchy, so I moved on from this kind of technique and experimented more with colours to use.
I experimented with this certain colour palet on this
design to figure out what pattern and order it would look
better in.
I eventually got to a palet of colours I felt happy and confident with putting onto a design, this time inlcuding more than my first idea of only 4 colours, but instead using a range of them, of what I could use which would still look colourful and eye-catching if seen in public.
I used colours that weren't too bright, but light enough to look interesting and catchy, mainly warm colours of yellow, red and orange and then some other different colours of pink, green, purple and blue, while keeping the pyramid sculture at its original colour of a grey, but since it was quite small compared to the rest of the design, it wouldn't effect it.

A design I was happy and confident with to use
with a matching 'top' with the design,
The 'top' which would go on
top of the postbox with the design
on it.

I eventually came to a colour palet that I was happy with, confident with the background, pattern and train colour on the design, along with adding on a 'top' design that would go on top of the postbox with it's design, with a matching pattern and colours too.
Though happy with my design, I decided to have a certain colour theme to match one of my team mates idea who had experimented with their design by using spray paints with the colours of green and yellow, which actually looked quite interesting together and with what her design was. So I changed the colour on my designs with the main palets of green and yellow to link with my team mates idea and colour theme they had used.

I successfully changed over the colour theme and
palet to green, yellow and some blue while still
making it look interesting to look at.
Another design I was happy to use which also links
to one of my team mates colour themes they had
The 'top' to go with the green, yellow
and blue colour palet for the design.

After successfully making one design I was happy with, I decided to make another design, while different but still including some of the same patterns and designs from the previous and completed design.

This new design included the pyramid sculpture that's in the Worksop town to be the main part of the design, putting it in the middle with detail, along with the 'Savoy' sign which I had included in from my research of Worksop, a train linking to the Worksop train station, and a skateboard to link to the Worksop skate park and those within the town/area that skate, all while still keeping the psychedelic design in the background of them.

The second design I made, with the sculpture having
more detail, still including the train but adding in
different parts into the design with the Savoy sign
and skateboard.
A skateboard I used as a reference to add into
my design so I could get the good shape of a
skateboard from a certain kind of view.
Another skateboard I used as a
reference and added into the design
later on.

Another design I was happy to use with a colour plaet
that had successfully worked on my previous design.
The 'top' to this design.

I added in the colour to this second design while still trying to keep the same colour palet I had used in my previous one since it looked interesting and worked for it, which it did also with this one aswell, though I had to change the pyramid sculpture to a light blue because if I had used its original colour of grey, it would've looked boring, out of place from the rest of the colourful design and since it was in the middle and quite a big part of the design, it would've taken away its attractiveness.

Completed the second design with its first colour palet, I decided to then add the yellow and green along with some blue and orange colour plaet onto this one as well, changing pyramid sculpture to a light green, a light colour that wasn't too strong to take away the effectiveness of the rest of design, also linking to my team mates work of colour plaet choice with their design, putting or designs together.

The change of the colour plaet except the train colour
as I was experimenting if I should keep its original
colour or not.

The colour of the train changed to fit in with the rest
of the designs colour palet.

The 'top' of the last
Another design I was happy to use with the yellow
and green colour palet with an added skateboard on
the top right side..

On the second design as I was adding in the second colour palet, I also added in another object of a skateboard into the design from a different perspective/point of view with the colour palet.

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