Monday 28 March 2016

Character Development

Character development is a very important part and process of making a character, it helps the creator write down and draw out ideas for the character. Though you can base a character off of someone, there are still going to be many and the same kind of steps in even basic character development if you started from scratch with a character:
  • The appearance; hair, eyes, ears, body build, clothing, accessories, weapons. (The colour palet)
  • How they stand/float etc.
  • How they walk, run, jump, fly etc.
  • How and will their personality shown through their appliance and body language/attitude?
I found this image a great example for a very basic look at
character development, how it starts with basic 'scribbles' and
lines of the shape of the character, then developing it into a simple
line drawing, then using grey scale to experiment more with
lighting and shadows, then onto basic colour, experimenting with
colour palets along with lighting and shadows again, and then finally
onto a lot more improvement with colours, shadows and lightnings,
a very professional style that it comes close to real looking.

This is an example of a 'character profile', having multiple different
angles and looks to a character to show how the character would look
in different poses, positions, clothing and angles which overall helps
development in a character much stronger.
This has multiple different characters or animals/beings,
showing different looks, structures, acessories, expressions
of each of them, giving them an overall bigger variety.
This is a good example of a character profile. It shows the characters
simple details, and creators URL on the top right, then the character
in colour at the top left and then multiple positions in a rotation,
at the bottom row it includes 3 different expressions of the character
before a different pose of the character on the far right.
This is a good example of a simple and quick character profile, it looks like
the character has been redrawn with different clothes and facial structure all
with harsh looking shading that is still quite visually effective.
I find this an interesting example for developing a character and the
facial expressions. In the picture you can clearly tell the difference
between the expression and understand them with how well they've been
drawn out.
This character development was for 'Lady and the Tramp' as the
main character 'Lady' can be seen in the sketches with her
different expressions, poses, body structure, different angles of her etc.
It's a good way of developing characters, by putting sketches, even if
they're experimental, of the character and fitting in as much as you can
onto a sheet of paper.
This character development of Flynn for 'Rapunzal' is a great example
of character development, and this is quite a commonly used professional
way developing and confirming facial expressions. It also practices with
drawing the character at different angles and ways they might be facing.
This is a good example of character development, it shows how
much you can develop a character and change it more, mostly for the
better, over time. As shown, the new more developed character looks
a lot more detailed and visually interesting then when it was in 2005.

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