Wednesday 2 March 2016

Enviromental Development

I researched examples of environments used in video games, animated films, movies, books etc. Some were done by pencil, pen and paint, which normally have quite a lot of detail, but it's much more common for environment and concepts to be made digitally now which can have detail but not as common as the traditional way. Though the traditional practice is still done today in some places.
All environmental illustrations are very likely to have first been started off with basic sketches of the shapes and structures in the illustration, the same way when sketching and developing a character would to.
This is a good example of a digital drawing, just by using grey scale
colours and shades. It is a good example of a digital illustration having
more bold and sharp looking details, having a certain type of style
to it. Also the use of a blurring and light enhancing tool, used a lot in
digital illustrations, can be seen by the door with a glowing light
 by the top right of the illustration, and a sun beam mark on a wooden
plank on the far left of the illustration.
This a another great example of a digital illustration with a lot of detail. This illustration has a very professional look to it since it looks pretty amazing for a environment illustration, with great building structures and a soft yet still eye-catching colour palet, which references and research would've inspired all of that. With this illustration, I believe it was made and used for 'Lady and the Tramp' movie, mainly because these are very memorable structures and colours that were used.
This is a good example of a digital illustration
not having much detail, but still having very
strong and appealing visual language with its
colour palet and minimal objects or structures going
on in the illustration since it seems to be based in
a cave/crevice.
This is a very common style of digital illustrations among
professional artists, having a close to real look, a LOT of
obvious detail, so much that it can be immersive with it's style
with detail. The digital side defiantly helps with it's immersive
feeling, with the use of enhancing lighting, editing shadows,
definition, blurring etc.
This is a different style of an illustration that I'm guessing it
digital, due to it's type of style it looks very similar to a
watercolor painting. It has a distant looking detail, it isn't bold
or sharp but it's visual language makes it have a strong effect
of it having detail.
At first this illustration looked like a grey scale painting with
quick pen outlines around the buildings and the tree, but once
looking closer at the illustration, it resembles the effect and
style of illustration markers. Once realizing this I appreciated
this illustration a bit more in it's style and kind of minimal
This illustration has much darker and deeper pencil lines, and
it has an overall sketched look, very impressively too.
It's dark lines help show off it's detail such as on the roof of
the shack and the wooden planks. The background clouds has
a good visual effect, along with the moon? and how it gives a
powerful and near realistic look.

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