Friday 4 March 2016

Window manifestation design

To develop an idea for a window manifestation design linked to construction I began by researching equipment, machines and environments linked to the building and construction industry, this includes:
Cement mixers
Workers; male and female

I chose first chose to use the images of a cement mixer and crane since, to me, they seemed like pretty obvious pieces of equipment that  would be used for construction.
But after developing these designs I decided to add in workers and a cityscape in the background.

The cement mixer design was difficult to make it appealing, as I was unsure what I could do with it or add to it at  first. I tried putting in slats of cement on it, when that failed to look appealing I tried making the cement flowing form the mixer look light and like waves, but this also seemed a bit too sharp for the design which would preferable be smooth.
Designing the crane took time with all the shapes and gapes in it so it actually looked like a crane and not just, what I thought looked like a stick. Realising it looked too plane and boring on its own, I added a cityscape background to it.

I still felt like the crane and cement design could use something extra because they both seemed plain.
So for the cement mixer design I added in the figures of two construction workers shaking hands, the cement having a much better smooth flow and look to it. Though I thought I could do something different to it and then I experimented with the cement by using a tool in photoshop that  altered the shape of lines of shapes, and as a result it looked a lot more appealing and different from before, making a better design in my opinion.
Having made the two construction figures, I also added them to the crane design, to fill in the empty/negative space.

Having 3 different designs, I was criticised and given advice on my designs from a worker linked to construction. He pointed out the good use of the cityscape background, but also the use of the  two construction worker figures and sad that women should be included swell since it isn't all just males in construction.
I noted this down so the next time I was working on my design I added a female construction worker figure into the design, along with a male construction worker and having them both hold a unrolled sheet of paper, which would be information, instructions and design for a building/cosntruction.

Feeling confident with my finished designs, I used a photo of the window that the design would be placed on and edited the designs on top of it in photoshop.
Placing the different designs onto the window, stretching and shrinking or expanding the design so it could fit onto the window image, then altering the opacity of the design image to resemble it closer to what it would actually look like when on the window.

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