Wednesday 2 March 2016

Poses for comic

I did some poses and had pictures taken of myself to be used as reference for my comic. I had them printed out in black and white and then used them as body/posture reference for the comic that's about my journey from school to college, which I will then transformed into a video scribing video/videos.

I did simple standing poses
and sitting ones, this one
being a standing pose from
the front.
This is another standing pose
but from a side angle.
I also had a standing pose from
an angle that has my back towards
the camera.

I did a second standing pose
from the side with the slightest
difference in my standing pose.

Then I did some sitting poses,
one where I'm just about facing
towards the camera.
The other sitting pose was
at a certain angle from the
side along with me making a
different pose.

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