Friday 11 March 2016

Portfolio Advice

What to avoid in a portfolio

  • Typos, spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Unprofessional communication: use of slang
  • Untidy/messy
  • Irrelevant work for the job you're applying for
  • Not enough work
  • Treating all your work the same (have favourites)
  • Copying art sales, work referencing to other peoples illustrations, animations, work etc.
  • Too much art with no context or notes
  • Being inconsistent 
  • Failure to improve failing projects/work
  • Making excuses
  • Difficult to navigate
  • Inappropriate, confusing domain name
  • Having no online presence at all
  • Using unprofessional, confusing gallery sites

What to have in a portfolio

  • Personal work
  • Having you're own style
  • Old work (To show how you've improved)
  • Finished pieces
  • Captions and notes
  • Contact details: Email, phone number, address 
  • Qualifications
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Certificates and memberships
  • Personal statement
  • Personal interests 
  • Skills


  • Suitable colours (background, text etc.)
  • Understandable fonts, nothing childish or fancy
  • Slideshow/gallery of work
  • Art related: Design the portfolio to amaze the interviewer, show your skills, ideas and potential.

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