Wednesday 2 March 2016

My British Value Poster

After doing research for the actual meanings of the 5 main British Values:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Tolerance
  • Liberty
  • Respect

I made notes on each of the british values and chose the one I felt more confident that I'll be able to show and present confidently on a poster. I chose democracy at first but after attempting to make a design for it I went with the freedom british value instead, The first thought that comes into my head when I thought of freedom was birds, which are universally seen as a symbol of freedom, flying, breaking through walls and chains.

 I uploaded images linking to democracy, including a fist which I would have above and rising from a British flag I made in photoshop and labeling the hand with the other values, but as I stopped to look and observe my design I was unsatisfied where it was going and started on freedom. Freedom linked images was mainly chains and birds, along with crack and hole references for the effect of breaking through something.

My first poster with the fist and British flag made me think it might turn out good at first, but as I tried to develop it more I felt blocked and unsure what else I could try for the design, so I moved onto freedom posters.
The first freedom poster I did with the birds and chained was more of a warm up for me to develop it further into different and better designs, which I think was successful.

I first began on the blue and white design with the birds breaking through the colour line as if it was a wall with other birds following behind it.
My other design included smaller figures of birds flying across an enlarged/zoomed in part of the british flag, white birds being on the blue part of the flag and blue birds on the white and red of the flag so they're still visible.
I then attempted to simple the design down and removed the british flag in the blackround and just left the freedom text and the birds which are in the colours of the british flag, red, white and blue.

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