Friday 22 January 2016

British Values, minimal advertising and literal posters

This post includes research for British values that I will turn into a poster, including the main prove values, other opinions and my own of the views of what British values are.
British values are the things that are the most important and enforced in Britain. Though not a lot of people know the real meaning of British values, even those that have lived in Britain their whole life, though they do list stuff that they believe is British values to them such as:
  • Tea
  • Football
  • Cricket 
  • Punk
  • Politics
  • Cultural and racial diversity 
  • The queen
  • NHS
  • Diversity
  • Education etc. 

The five main and most important British values are that symbolises Britian:
  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance and respect for those with different faiths and beliefs

Also the main other important four that symbolises Britain:
  • Tolerance 
  • Respect 
  • Liberty
  • Democracy 

A lot of British value posters include the British flag in some way, as a small image, made out of a collage of pictures or as a background since it's viewed as what and does represent Britain.
Some include more than just a few things of what they think is British values to them, having a lot more opinions in them.
Compared to other countries and cultures, Britain is seen as more fair, lawful, educational, diverse and peaceful than others, some not even having the education, healthcare and respectable laws that Britain has.

Britain's diverse cultures of people are allowed to practice their culture and religion quite a lot, allowing public acts, festivals, shows etc. of their origins and interests.

Despite British values represent Britain as respectful and diverse, there are minorities of people in groups that don't respect the British values, some not being British, but most of them being British. They abuse the values by disrespecting other people of religion, colour, sexuality, their opinions etc. by using their orientation of being British, and other people as not, to back up their racist argument, an example of this is the EDL (English Defence League).

I decided to use this picture to mainly show the problem with groups
of people that aren't really part of British values since they don't
show respect or tolerance. The EDL.
I thought this poster had a very strong effect and message. What I'm getting from
it is the question "Does Islam clash with British values?" with a women of the Muslim
fate wearing a robe but her face being pixelized, as if censored, which some groups of people
believe should be done. This poster is addressing and questioning this racist problem.
Though I will not be including this negativity into my poster, the poster will be positive and welcoming, promoting British values through a either a detailed poster or just a simple poster with a background and text at the front.

I believe this is a very clever example of  simple advertising,
the image pretty much shows what it's advertising just through
the pictures and effects, which is vision related, eye contacts.

I like this advert because it's also an illusion and designed to
trick the viewer to believe they're looking at something else,
a man with a long beard, when instead it's actually a man with
a woman standing in front and facing him, creating the effect.
The little caption "For all hair types" tops off the poster of what it's
advertising, which is shampoo, conditioner, hair products pretty much.

 Powerful, clever and attention grabbing posters can be incredibly simple, not using much or any text at all since the image, illustration, photograph or drawing on the poster gets the point across faster then some text would. This can be due to the colours used, the shapes and what they represent, illusions in some of them etc. All having a strong effect and point to them, even if they are just commercial posters advertising someone or a poster to warn people about something, such as smoking.

There are different ways how a design of a poster can affect the message it's trying to get across or product it's trying to advertise.
Some posters have a set layout with pictures and text, though the most visually appealing and strong kind of designs are quite simple, though can still get across a lot of information and strong message.
The effect of adding some humour and cheek to a poster can change it dramatically, making it seem clever and witty, getting the message or advertisement across in a casual, smooth and humorous way, making it more appealing to some people.

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