Friday 29 January 2016

5 Core British Values

How I interpret:

Democracy - 
Fairness, everyones opinion counts, a government, rights to all, political and social equality, votes are fair and weighed out by the peoples votes and not the higher and richer powers as much.

Rule of Law - 
Respect and follow the rules, understand the laws that are existing, those disrespecting the rules of the law won't be tolerated, punishment will be carried out on those breaking the law.

Individual Liberty - 
People can do what they want within the law, freedom, can have own opinions, interests and identity, have the right to say what they want if it isn't disrespectful or illegal.

Mutual Respect - 
Respect others and respected by others either when family, friends or strangers, let others have their own interests, opinions, properties and identity, don't partake in racist, sexist or any hateful and  disrespectful acts.

Tolerance of those different - 
No prejudice against others, respect others, don't be hateful towards peoples sex and sexual orientation, identity, opinion, religion, their overall identity, try to understand others different from yourself.

Appreciation of cultural diversity in everyday lives -
Going on with your day with all the different kinds of cultures, religions and people that are about, religious buildings and stores, national holidays because of a culture in Britain, cultural food like Indian and Chinese food, art, clothing, music etc.

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